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what does it mean to dream of

What does it mean if I dream about a friend I am in love with? - Quora
What does it mean if I dream about a friend I am in love with? - Quora
9 common dreams and what they supposedly mean What do your dreams mean? Amy Morin, LCSW, is the chief editor of Verywell Mind. He is also a psychotherapist, author of the bestsellers book "13 mentally strong things that do not do", and host the podcast of mentally strong people. Do dreams have one? A surprising number of people believe that the answer to this question is yes. According to a survey conducted by Newsweek, 43% of Americans believe that dreams reveal unconscious desires and desires. The famous psychoanalyst described dreams as the real road to him and suggested that in studying dreams, we could then bring to light the hidden and unconscious desires that lead to . Analyzing dream symbols and describing meaning has become a popular source of both entertainment and self-reflection in popular culture. Do dreams really have hidden meanings? Can you learn your unconscious desires and desires by interpreting your dreams? While the most modern theories of dreams suggest that the answer is no, this has not prevented interpreters and analysts from publishing a set of dream dictionaries that intend to identify what these common dream themes and symbols really mean. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common dreams and what some of the most popular dream interpretation books have to say about them. 9 Common dreams and their interpretations Dream of falling Dreams about falling high are very common. While there is a popular myth that if you hit the ground in your dream you will die in real life, it is simply not true. So, what could I dream of falling really bad? According to many interpretations of popular dreams and at least one study, fallen dreams are a sign that something in your life is not going well. You might suggest that you need to rethink an election or consider a new address in some area of your life. "Dreaming of fall is very common. It is a symbol of fear in real life - perhaps failing in work or in your love life," says Russell Grant, author of the Illuminated Dream Dictionary. "Often pain expresses the need to let go more and enjoy life more." Dreams about being naked in public Have you ever had one of those uncomfortable dreams where you show up at school or at the office in your birthday suit? Don't worry. Dreaming about being naked is not unusual. Penny Peirce, author of the Dream Dictionary for Dummies, suggests that dreaming about public nudity might indicate that you feel like a charade or are afraid to reveal your imperfections and shortcomings. Dreams about being persecuted Dreams that have a known or unknown attacker can be particularly frightening. These types of dreams are very common. But what do these dreams say about what's going on inside your mind? Dream interpreters often suggest that such dreams mean that you are trying to avoid something in your daily life. Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, suggests that being persecuted in a dream might indicate a desire to escape from his own fears or desires. The key to understanding what that dream means depends partly on the identity of its persecutor. Being persecuted by an animal might indicate that you are hidden from your own anger, passions and other feelings. If your persecutor is a mysterious and unknown figure, it could represent a child experience or a past trauma. If you are being persecuted by someone of the opposite sex, Crisp suggests that it means you are afraid of love or persecuted by a past relationship. Dreams about losing teeth Penny Peirce, author of Dream Dictionary for Dummies, suggests that dreaming of teeth may have multiple meanings. It could mean you're worried about your attractiveness or appearance. It might also indicate that you are concerned about your ability to communicate or worry that you might have said something embarrassing. "The true essence of teeth is its ability to bite, cut, tear and grind," he explains. "If your teeth fall, you lose personal power and your ability to be assertive, decisive and self-protective." Dreams about the toy Death is another common and can be particularly disconcerting. Dreamers sometimes dream of the death of a loved one or even dream of dying. Popular interpretations of sleep sometimes suggest that such dreams reflect anxiety about change or fear of the unknown. "Like death, change can be terrifying because – as well as death – we don't know what is 'on the other side' of change, so the dreaming mind is equal to change with death," says Lauri Loewenberg in her book Dream on It: Unlocking your dreams, changing your life. Loewenberg also believes that dreaming of the death of a loved one can reflect a fear similar to change, especially with regard to children who reach milestones and grow. Such changes, he suggests, indicate that a child is growing and a parent's mind begins to wonder where the child's younger version was. Such dreams of dying, therefore, reflect a kind of mourning for the inevitable passage of time. Studies have also shown that those who approach the end of life and the loved ones who surround them experience significant and significant dreams, often related to a comforting presence, preparing to go, see or relate to the deceased, loved ones waiting, distressing experiences and unfinished business. Dreams about taking a test According to Craig Hamilton-Parker, author of The Hidden Meaning of Dreams, taking a test your dreams could reveal a fear underlying failure. Studies have also found that the dreams of this nature are common. "Assessments are stressful experiences in which you are prepared to face your shortcomings," he writes. "To dream of failing a test, to be late for one or not to prepare shows that you are not prepared for the challenges of awakening life." Dreams about infidelity Dreaming that your spouse or romantic couple is cheating on you with someone else can be incredibly distressing. In some cases, people even begin to wonder if the dream could be true. Do you dream that your partner is unfaithful means it could happen? Or what's going on? While in some cases such dreams could be the reflection of awakening fears of such infidelity, Trish and Rob MacGregor, the author of the Full Dream Dictionary: A Bedside Guide to Know What Their Dreams Mean, believes that such dreams probably do not mean that your spouse is cheating or cheating. "This is another 'what if' dream – you're testing the limits of reality," they suggest. Eve Adamson and Gayle Williamson, authors of the Dream Dictionary of the Complete Idiot Guide, posit that such dreams about infidelity indicate problems with trust, loyalty and communication in a relationship. "If you or your partner cheated on your dream, one of you is not getting what you need from that relationship right now," they write. Dreams about flying Dreams about flying are experienced by many. They can be exciting and even liberating, but sometimes they can be quite frightening (especially for those who fear heights). According to Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, dreams about flying often represent two very different sides. On the one hand, such dreams can represent feelings of freedom and independence. On the other hand, they can also indicate the desire to flee or escape from the realities of life. "The struggle alone occurs more often," he writes, "showing the independent aspect of the flight. But because it often implies positive feelings of pleasure, flying can represent our sexuality... especially aspects of it that express the freedom of social norms and restrictions. " Dreams about pregnancy Dream interpreters often suggest that dreams about pregnancy represent everything from creativity to fear. David C. Lohff, author of Dream Dictionary, believes that pregnancy dreams can sometimes represent a woman's fear of being an inadequate mother. Author Tony Crisp, on the other hand, suggests that such dreams indicate that the dreamer is developing some area of potential or deepening a relationship. Dream interpreter Russell Grant writes that these dreams prey on difficult times. A word from Muywell What do you think? Do any of these interpretations of dreams seem accurate? If not, don't worry, your dreams are unique and very personal. It is not likely to find anything but simple entertainment in generalized interpretation books and dream dictionaries. Instead, consider your dreams a reflection of your life of awakening, reflecting your fears, anxieties, desires, hopes and aspirations for the future. Consider the personal meaning of your dreams. In all probability, the things you experience in your dreams are probably a reflection of the concerns you face in your daily existence. Did you wonder what your personality type means? Sign up to learn more in our Healthy Mind newsletter. Thank you, for signing. There was a mistake. Please try again. Schredl, M. . International Journal of Dream Research, 1(2), 44–47. 2008 doi:10.11588/ijodr.2008.2.80Weinstein N, Campbell R, Vansteenkiste M. Motiv Emot. 2018;42(1):50–63. doi:10.1007/s11031-017-9656-0Nosek CL, Kerr CW, Woodworth J, et al. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2015;32(3):269-74. doi:10.1177/1049909113517291Nir Y, Tononi G. Trends Cogn Sci. 2010;14(2):88–100. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2009.12.001 Thank you, for signing. There was a mistake. Please try again.

What dreams do you have It actually means, according to Science If dreams were movies, they wouldn't make a penny. They are often banal, often leaking and projected for a single audience. As for the story? You're in a supermarket, only that it's Yankee Stadium, buying with your second grade teacher until he becomes Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then they both shoot a bear in the cereal hall. Somebody call rewrite. But dreams are much more complex than that, and if you have a theory that explains them, they have in it. The ancient Egyptians thought of dreams as simply a different way of seeing, with trained dreamers serving as visionaries to help plan battles and make state decisions. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that dreams were equal parts predictions of future events and visits for the dead. Sigmund Freud considered dreaming an expression of repressed conflicts or desires, which were—not surprising, this is Freud—often sexual in nature. Carl Jung took a more rigorous approach, explaining dreams as a kind of "formal energy", incorporated emotions or thoughts released by the deep subconscious and trained in narratives by higher regions of the brain. Modern psychologists and neurologists, armed with imaging equipment including and magnetic resonances, have taken things to a deeper and more technical level, speculating that dreaming is the form of the brain of pouring excess data, consolidating important information, keeping us alert to danger and more. Get our Health Newsletter. Sign up to receive the latest health and science news, as well as answers to welfare questions and expert advice. Thank you! But why do dreams take the particular form they do? Why are you still dreaming about having to get tired by the end of years after college graduation? Why do you dream of flying, or being persecuted by a wild animal, or appear at that always-embarking party with your ever-absorbed pants? And why are there dreams so hungry or strange or seemingly perverse that they will take them to their grave instead of revealing as much as a single detail about them to someone in the world? The less glamorous explanation for any dream is that it serves as a kind of data dump, a clear of the useless memories of the day and a cache of the valuables. The researchers had long suspected that this process, if it exists, works between the hippocampus—which controls memory— and the neocortex, which governs the thinking of a higher order. at the Max Planck Medical Institute in Heidelberg, Germany helped confirm that theory: working with anesthetized mice, researchers found that while neocortex shoots during sleep, it indicates several regions of the hippocampus to upload any information they have been keeping in short-term storage. The hippocampus is cleaned to meet more the next day, while the neocortex decides what to transfer to memory in the long term and what to dispose of. While the data flows on the computer screen of the sleeping mind, some of them are snatched and caught randomly in the crazy part of dreams, which often only vaguely resemble the literal content of the information. MORE: Judge Ginsburg and the bear, for example, can come to mind while his brain examines and discards a news scrap that he collected on the Supreme Court and the Department of the Interior. Most of these evanescent images — it is estimated that 90%— do not remember, which is consistent with the idea of dreaming like purga. "We dream of forgetting," wrote the Nobel Prize Francis Crick in 1984. Crick, who is better known and more celebrated as the co-discovery of DNA, unlikely to become something of a leading thinker — or at least a leading provocative — in dream theory, and what was colloquially known as his "theory of garbage disposal" of dreaming attracted many believers in the 1990s. But most contemporary dream theorists believe that things are not so simple. For beginners, a century of experience with conversation therapy has shown that far from benefiting from forgetting all our dreams, we often get a lot of reflection and analysis. "It is not a huge, dramatic effect, but it certainly seems that paying attention to your dreams may have positive effects," says Harvard University psychologist Deirdre Barrett, author of the Committee of Sleep. That is not to say that dreams do not imply a certain amount of data by sorting and clarifying. "This idea that the information is being processed, I think it is valid. We are sorting things into categories, comparing them to other events, considering information we would delete during the day." Another vision of dreaming comes from Sweden's cognitive neuroscientist who has proposed what he calls the theory of threat simulation, arguing that the brain responds to the potential future danger by running what amount of fire drills while sleeping to keep us sharp. That may be the source of persistent sleep over not studying for the end, with end-to-end support for a presentation you have to write to work in your adult life. Dreaming about losing some or all of your teeth — reported by a surprising number of respondents in studies — seems to be about anxiety to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. It can also be about body deterioration, something we all fear even in childhood. The fact that the same sleep issues occur in different radically different populations and cultures is not all unexpected, as what human beings have in common is often much deeper and more primal than what we do not have. "We share a lot of genetic programming, so even modern humans are still worried about big animals with big teeth," Barrett says. "The idea of nudity as a social exhibition also seems universal, even in tribes that have very little. In most cultures inappropriate clothing means shame. " A much more productive function of dreaming is the solution of problems, as the sleeping brain continues to work on jobs that the awake mind manages during the day. In a 2010 study at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, 99 people were given a task that required them to navigate through a three-dimensional labyrinth. During their practice sessions, they were given a 90-minute break. Some were asked to participate in quiet activities such as reading; others were instructed to try to take a nap. Those who were napping and dreaming about the maze showed a ten-fold improvement in the task at the next session compared to the other topics. Something similar happens when students are studying for a test and find that they have a better mastery of material after one night's sleep, especially if they dreamed even indirectly about what they had been learning. "I often think of dreaming like simply thinking of a different biochemical state," Barrett says. Finally — giving Freud his due — there are dreams that seem to be strictly desirable. Dreams about flying can represent a desire for freedom. Dreams about finding new rooms in your home can express a desire for opportunity or novelty. What about sex dreams? Often it's not about, um, sex. (The brain doesn't always make things difficult.) Our nights would probably be quieter and our dream more serene if we didn't dream at all, or at least we didn't dream that much. But our minds would not be so rich or our brains so agile or our desires so often fulfilled — if only in a vivid fantasy. The dream brain projection room can sometimes take you out, but like all the good theaters, it will seldom leave you bored. Write Jeffrey Kluger in .SHARE THIS STORIALEer More From TIME Stories

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